What is Over The Edge?
Over The Edge is a fundraiser developed by a company in Canada with expertise in rappelling. To date, they have put on hundreds of these events across the nation. The model gives people a way to contribute to their community by fundraising for a cause, all while having the opportunity to do something unique and thrilling: rappelling down the side of a skyscraper.
What's in it for Friends In Deed?
Aside from providing another BIG source of funding for our organization and the low-income families we serve, Over The Edge allows us to do something new, novel and exciting. We also hope the event will help people throughout Washtenaw County learn more about us.
When is the Over The Edge event?
Friends In Deed’s Over The Edge event will take place on Saturday, September 23, 2023.
Do you want to rappel?
As an rappeller, you can reserve a spot to rappel down Hill Tower at Eastern Michigan University. In exchange for this unique opportunity, you commit to serving as a fundraiser for Friends In Deed. While there are several levels from which to choose, the basic level that reserves you a rappelling spot requires that you raise a minimum of $1,000.
What if there isn't enough time before the event?
You can secure your spot to rappel and continue fundraising for up to one month after the event takes place if you sign a Credit Card Guarantee form. It gives Friends In Deed permission to charge the remaining balance of your goal (if there is one) to your credit card exactly one month after the event.
What if I were to refer another rappeller?
Referring another rappeller would get you $100 off of your campaign! All they would have to do is say that you referred them in an email to overtheedge@friendsindeedmi.
What does it mean to Push Your Pastor?
Push the Pastor allows you to partner with Friends In Deed to raise funds for both Friends In Deed and your congregation. All you have to do is nominate a willing pastor to rappel. When the congregation raises the $2,000 minimum for the pastor to go “over the edge,” the pastor can either rappel or match the funds and nominate someone else to go instead. All funds raised by the congregation are split 50/50 between the two organizations.
What does it mean to Toss Your Boss?
Toss Your Boss is the perfect opportunity to help raise funds for Friends In Deed without pledging to go over the edge yourself. You and a group of people nominate a willing “Boss” to rappel. If you, the employees, raise the designated amount of money ($1,500), the “Boss” can either rappel or match the funds and nominate someone else to go over the edge instead.
Want to sponsor Over The Edge?
Sponsorship Levels
What discounts and sponsorship benefits do you get when creating a team?
Create a Company Team and push up to six (6) of your employees/clients to get sponsorship benefits!
Sound interesting?
While it is normal to be a little wary about pushing your employees or clients over the edge of a 12-story building, it is for a good cause! Plus, the chance for an urban rappel is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
How does it work?
- Your organization will be acknowledged during our VIP Party with a logo during a Thank You slideshow.
- Your organization’s logo will also be included on the back of event t-shirts, on our website, in our newsletter, in all OTE-related emails, and on signage on the front barricades of the landing-zone area on the day of the event.
- Your organization’s logo will be included during Media Day and Event Day Facebook Live broadcasts. Note: You are also welcome to send us a 30-second video about your organization that we can run on Facebook LIVE on or around the time of your team’s rappel.