Expunging Criminal Records

The state legislature recently expanded Michigan’s expungement laws, making thousands of Michiganders eligible for removing certain offenses from the public record. We know that criminal charges can make access to employment, housing, and education significantly...
You Will Be Missed, Betty Mosshart

You Will Be Missed, Betty Mosshart

Betty Mosshart (pictured on the right) volunteered here for more than a decade, writing thank you letters and keeping the staff fed with her wonderful baked goodies. Through all the sadness in her life through the loss of her son and then her husband, she always said...
Laptops for Leaders: Tanya

Laptops for Leaders: Tanya

As we all know, COVID-19 forced us all to change in all sorts of ways. Our Circles program meetings moved to Zoom and our Leaders did their best to adapt to the new format, many of them using their phones for the meetings. By late 2020, Allies had noticed that the...

Reimagined by Will Jones III

Reimagined by Will Jones III | dedicated to Friends In Deed it’s like unzipping a familiar, yet broken zipper then separating the strands creating as much distance between them as possible fighting against the magnetic compulsion to bring the familiar back together...
Our New Caseworker: Joye Clute

Our New Caseworker: Joye Clute

Joye actually started with us just a couple weeks before COVID sent our entire staff home to work remotely. “It was a little intimidating to be on my own and in charge of a community helpline,” Joye said of that time; but despite tackling a new job in relative...