Jaime, a mother of four, was living in a shelter in Ypsilanti. She fell upon hard times after losing a job. She was able to get some help with the Ann Arbor Housing Commission(AAHC). The Ann Arbor Housing Commission seeks to provide desirable housing and support services to low-income families on both transitional and permanent bases.

During her time working with the AAHC, a representative told her that when she gets her home she should contact Friends In Deed in order to get help with furniture. This proved to be sound advice because beds for four children is no easy tasks! As soon as Jaime was able to get into a home with her family, she contacted Friends In Deed and the rest is history! It took less than two weeks to schedule her for a furniture pick up!

Jaime says that more people need to know about Friends In Deed. “They truly are a blessing, doing great things for people.”

Interview, photo and profile by Esau Davis