If you visited the Friends In Deed Building recently you probably noticed that it has had a dramatic revamp. Rather than fading into the streetscape like a shy, beige wallflower, the building stands out in its new, stunning coat of azure blue, accessorized with a 40 foot long mural declaring in huge, multi-colored letters COMMUNITY. If you paused to look more closely you saw a diverse group of figures working together to complete the word and convey the mural’s message: building community.





The Community Building Mural project mirrors the mission of Friends In Deed, but it also borrows from the Circles’ program concept. Understanding that relationships and connections matter, Circles intentionally connects people across different socio-economic lines to form meaningful relationships and help break the cycle of generational poverty. As a former Circles Ally, this message resonates deeply with me.

Every step of the mural project was designed to promote these same goals beginning with the Mural Steering Committee whose members included Bonita Bingham, Kia Smith, Bird Williams, Amtheyst Floyd, and Lucindra Peach Willowtree, who represent staff, volunteers, Circles leaders and allies, and the FID Board. Some committee members wore several hats! The mural steering meeting met and worked together regularly for a year and a half and was well supported by Sarah Thornburg, Trilby MacDonald, Glory Hoffman, and other staff and volunteers who helped the mural dream come to life.

Throughout the project, the Mural Committee worked in collaboration with Mary Thiefels and Treetown Murals, beginning with a series of vision board workshops which were used to inspire the design of the mural. Members of the Mural Committee, staff, Circles, the FID Board and volunteers were asked to express with collage materials or words what Friends In Deed’s mission means to them personally. Girls Group was also invited to participate as part of their service curriculum. In the end, 60 vision boards were created.

Along with autumn, September brought the three highlighted events of the community mural project. The 60 framed vision boards were exhibited to the public at the Whittaker branch of the Ypsilanti District Library. The visions board collection made the individual stories behind the mission of community building visible.

Mary Thiefels and her crew attached panels with the outlined mural image they had created to the FID Building to prepare for Paint-By-Number Day, when Fifty FID community members showed up to paint. Despite ominous clouds and rain in the area, the sun continued to shine over Friends In Deed until the painting was completed for the day.

The Friends In Deed Community-Building Mural Project formally concluded with a Mural Reveal Party on Friday evening, September 23, which included food, music by DJ Mega, dancing and a presentation during which Ypsilanti Township Supervisor Brenda Stumbo announced that the Township Board had unanimously approved a $14,500 grant for the mural. Speaking to the crowd, she said she is supportive of the services provided by Friends In Deed and was happy to support public art in Ypsilanti Township. State Senator Jeff Irwin also showed up and brought a tribute signed by himself, State representative Ronnie Peterson, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer to commemorate Friends In Deed, noting that “when people work together, it improves the community for everyone.” The certificate also acknowledges 40 years of Friends In Deeds service in the community. 

Following the reveal event, FID volunteers made cookies which staff then took to the neighbors to thank them for accommodating all the cars that parked for the event and engage them in conversations about our programs. It’s the support and good will of our neighbors and friends like you that make this work possible. Thank you for being a part of the Friends In Deed community!

– Kate Roos